don’t take it personally, babe, it just ain’t your story

Okay, I’m really happy to say, after a month, it’s finally finished. This is my longest work to date, and it was definitely one crazy ass month.

don’t take it personally, babe, it just ain’t your story is a spirital sequel of sorts to Digital. It’s much more of a conventional visual novel and focuses instead on the erosion of privacy in modern life on social networks. If you go in expecting Digital, you’ll be very disappointed; but on its own merits, I think you’ll find it’s a little more honest, a little more compelling, and the ultimate point is a little less trite.

At the very least, I think you’ll find what it has to say interesting.

It’s the longest thing I’ve ever written before, and my first attempt at a branching plot; I’m told it worked out okay, though. You can download it here. I hope you enjoy it!